Monday, September 14, 2015

Final post

Wednesday, June 10

I wanted to post some fun pictures. After our teaching at Clinic St. Jean, we had a beach and tour of Cap-Haitien day to celebrate the closing of all of the wonderful and hard work that had been done the last three weeks. Haiti is such a wonderful country, a piece of my heart will always be there, and I am counting down the days until I will be able to return.
These are some pictures of the mountain side from our drive to the beach

 The beach! White sand, palm trees and blue water, I felt like I was in the Caribbean...Wait a second, I was! There are a few resorts on the water for tourists and locals to enjoy

 Zanmi mwen! Lelene (left) and Pamela (right) are two friends from Robillard who joined us for our beach excursion. These two have hearts of gold! 

 A view on our way down of the Cathedral and the city of Cap-Haitian. 

 Houses on houses! These houses are stacked on top of one another all the way up the mountain. It's hard to imagine having to walk all the way to the top with groceries or clothes piled high on your head, but Haitians do it all the time.

 We made a pit stop to enjoy one last view of the beach and take a selfie! 

 Before we left on Thursday, the school children were gathering around to bid us farewell. I cried the whole way out of Robillard....and maybe a time or two on the way to the airport!

And we're off! 

The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!
-Numbers 6, 24-26

Clinic of St. Jean

Tuesday and Wednesday, June 9-10

Our last clinic and teaching are back in Limbe! Clinic St. Jean is a large hospital that sees about 250-300 patients a day. The directors wanted the majority of their staff to receive education, so we did training over two days and taught over 50 providers and nursing students. The medical director and one of the physicians offered very good insight on how their patients would receive this method, and we concluded that it would be a great addition to their program. Since they have very limited funding, the cost of obtaining the beads was a concern of theirs. I discussed options with them and encouraged them to reach out to the Ministry of Health and Catholic Church for assistance in obtaining these beads. It encourages me to continue work in trying to find resources for these non-privately, lower funded clinics who see a large number of women who would benefit greatly from this education.

This being my last clinic and teaching session is bittersweet. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to follow my passion and teach such a large number of providers about the Standard Days Method, but I am so sad that I will be leaving on Thursday. This is the start of something wonderful and the foundation of where my life will take me. And I cannot fathom doing anything else with my life. This is my calling and where I am supposed to be, and I cannot thank Hope Through Healing Hands enough for the opportunity to live my dream.

Second Mile and the Sisters of Quatier- Morin

Monday, June 8

Today was a busy but productive and gratifying day! We started the day at Second Mile Haiti ministries. This is a wonderful organization started by two young Americans, one a nurse and the other with a business/engineering background who saw the need for family education with malnourished children. The ministry has several rooms that they house malnourished and underdeveloped children, siblings and their mom (sometimes dad!). The ministry teaches the whole family the importance of proper nutrition, and educates them for several weeks as the child or children are regaining health. They teach the parents a trade such as sewing or jewelry making, and how to plant and raise their own food so that when they leave the organization they have resources to gain jobs, raise and grow their own food, and obtain healthy habits so that children do not fall back into being malnourished once they leave. They asked us to come to their organization to teach them a method of natural family planning because, while they may not have a clinic on hand to provide prescriptions, they want to provide education to women who come to the organization so that they may have the opportunity to prevent pregnancies and have only the amount of children the family can afford. The director stated that this method can help the women to prevent the malnourishment in continuing children of families who simply cannot afford to feed the number of blessings they have and who try to make a little bit of food last a long time. The organization had several nurses and non-licensed clinical workers who provide education to these women who they wanted to receive the training. We trained 6 workers at this clinic who were very eager to learn and help the women they serve.

In the afternoon, we went and taught the health care providers at the hospital of the Sisters of Quatier Morin. This institution had a school, a hospital, a convent for vowed and novice Sisters, and an orphanage. The Sisters have their hands full! The class went very well, teaching 5 MDs, nurses, and social workers SDM so that they can offer a method of family planning to their patients.

Only one more clinic left at which to teach! This fellowship experience has gone by way to fast, with so many blessings flowing from it!

At Second Mile Haiti, listening to the workers teach us what they learned in training

This is what they make chocolate from!! Once you pick the Cacao from the tree and break it open, you pull out the beans from inside and crack them open of find the more chocolate colored beans one would expect to find. This can be a large source of income for Haitians

 A child who is in residence at Second Mile Haiti, enjoying our company and the company of Belle, the organizations puppy. 

Open Door Clinic

Friday and Saturday, June 5-6

Open Door Haiti is a clinic in Limbe that is connected to Open Door Church of God in Cap Haitian.

We provided training to the providers in both places to help accommodate them and their weekend schedule. The first session in the clinic was off to a rocky start because it was late and the providers had 10 hours of work in for the day. About an hour in our training, the generator cut off, so we were sitting in a very warm, very dark room. Needless to say, most of the providers started to fall asleep! We agreed to end and start fresh on Saturday, and all said they could stay as long as necessary that day to complete the training. Saturday was much better! The group was mostly men, which offered an interesting take on women's fertility and the "white bead days" or days of abstinence. All agreed that this method would appeal to the majority of their patients and were eager to start teaching the method. This group was one of the best I have had yet, despite our rocky start! Much interesting discussion happened and the whole group demonstrated eagerness to learn.

Thanks be to God for such a wonderful and successful mission!

 At Open Door Haiti Clinic on the first day. The providers are holding their CycleBeads to participate in learning activities
On our way this beautiful Saturday to Cap Haitian to teach at Open Door Church

 Outside, patiently waiting for church to let out so that we can use the room to resume our lesson in SDM. 

 Gloria patiently waiting as well! The building behind her had been torn down so the church can expand, but is awaiting funds to finish building. And yes, that is a house on the top right!

On our way home, a woman is coming from the market with many groceries to feed her family. It amazes me how much women can carry on their heads!

Haiti Hospital Appeal

Thursday, June 4th

This morning was wonderful! We witnessed the first Communion of 101 10-11 year olds in the Catholic Church on the feast day of Corpus Christi. After witnessing this wonderful occasion, we went to Haiti Hospital Appeal in Cap-Haitian and had the opportunity to teach a total of 10 providers, mostly nurses and physicians. This was a group that had called me for a refresher on SDM, as they had previous training from the Ministry of Health several years ago. They were very knowledgeable in the method, which created a great opportunity for discussion. While the providers had the training in the past, they were unclear of where to acquire sets of beads to provide the patients, so the method had not been taught in the clinic. Therefore, I provided information to the director where she could order CycleBeads, as she had money in her budget to do so and was eager to provide this method to her patients. She was very grateful for the information and for our refresher training. 

What a wonderful day!

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, continue to pray for this mission!

The people gathered outside to process in the church for the feast of Corpus Christi

The 10 providers and director at Haiti Hospital Appeal sitting in the breezeway of the hospital to refresh their training on SDM. 

On our way home, we passed a woman carries shelves on the back of a motorcycle down the bumpy roads of Haiti.